Сочинение по английскому "About me"

     I would like to tell you about my life story, but it is very complicated task to tell some one’s biography when you are young.

     My full name is Helen Perova. First of all I am a typical teenager. At present I am a pupil of the tenth form. People say I am an attractive girl. My hair is dark, long and wavy. I have big blue eyes. I have a snub nose. I am neither tall nor short. I am slim because I go in for sports. My goal is to have a good figure. That is why I go in for jogging every morning even if it rains cats and dogs. I was born to a family of a dentist and a head of department of the metallurgical plant. It was on the fifteenth of May, 1999. I took after my father in character. My native town is Novgorod. I spent my childhood there too. I have a sister. My sister studies in the fifth form. I have many relatives too.

     At the age of six I went to school. I did well at school. I was good at physics and history. Than at school in the fifth form I fell into the habit of reading. At first I read all kinds of books but the more distinct my tastes in books became with the course of time and my becoming adult. I took to reading science books, historic books and detective ones as I like to learn something new and adore solving the riddles. I arrive at a conclusion that I should be grateful to my grandmother for this habit. She had a very big library and read a lot. And each time I stayed at her place she read me a new story. I am sure books will be my guides all my life. My hobby is to learn foreign languages notably English and Spanish. That is why twice a week I attend ABC club where I study with other children English and Spanish. Definitely I have a lot of other favors such as dancing, felting and the most popular one, I mean the computer. I have finished training courses in computer and I hope it will help me to study at the University.

     The most significant question for me now is what sphere of life I should choose. There are so many important and interesting professions. My parents want me to be a well-educated person and want very much to give me good education. They teach me to love and understand other people. They want me to be honest, clever, industrious and modest.

Автор сочинения: Надыршин Маским Рамилевич

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